Have you ever had a moment of revelation? I have... It
was a month ago... I was talking about how upset I was about not being able to
control myself when it came to criticism. I've been over criticizing people,
sometimes for good reasons, some other times for no reason at all...
The person I was talking to asked if I was like that
with myself. It took me a few seconds to answer yes... And the he said "if
you don't see the beauty in you how do you expect to see beauty in the
others"? This message is not about "love yourself and others will
love you".... It's about "love yourself and you'll be able to love
I remember when I was so depressed that I couldn't
even bear listening to neither my mother’s voice nor my boyfriend’s (we weren't
married back then)... The 2 persons I loved the most in the world and even
their voices were upsetting... I was so hurt, I had lost my faith, and "hope" had
disappeared from my vocabulary... Everything seemed ugly, shallow... "How the
world keeps moving after what happened to my father? After what happened to
this family? After what happened to me? Don't talk to me about clothes, art,
music... don't kiss me, don't touch me..." I was destroyed, incapable of
loving anything or anyone...
It is so important to make an effort, exercise
kindness, not only to others but with you. Please take a second a day to say
something nice about how amazing your hair looks today or how adorable your
hands are... I don't know, how smart you are, that great joke you’re said
yesterday... Be thankful for what you are and love love loooove you in order to
love the others better.
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