martes, 18 de marzo de 2014

Colors and baby steps

I've been trying something new lately... I'm forcing myself to dress in bright colors. Yes, I love black pants, black dresses, all black, everything... It's elegant, easy and ok to wear it to every occasion (maybe avoid it on weddings). Haven't you heard about color therapy? I know babies sleep better in a room with soft color walls, I know colors are used as part of marketing campaign because colors influence on the mood of the clients... Therefore I'm sure dressing always in dark colors influences our mood, so here I am, wearing a hot pink jacket (with black pants, let’s not get to crazy). I might have left out high heels today, it's too cold and my wisdom teeth is being a pain in the a**. 

However... So far so good with my plan of getting my life in order!! Gym attendance went up, I'm spending 3 hours a day on my driver’s license and I bought my self a present. Not that it was part of the plan but sometimes a girl needs a little present. And not just any type of present... A plant!! You might have seen it in Ikea, it's a tiny cactus shaped as a heart (mine is from a different shop, I avoid buying to big companies, I support local businesses). 

I want this plant to symbolize I love me. Because I need to love to be abble to love my mother, my husband, my family... I firmly believe the first step for happiness starts and ends with you. And your have to be active! Wellness will not magically appear, you need to search actively for it! Attract it and cherish it! 

We all have days were we are feeling a little off and it's ok to be sad sometines. However, it's not normal to be sad every day. So if you are, make changes! Don't be afraid because your situation could hardly get any worst. Baby steps, don't change everything at the same time, it could be scary as hell... But start maybe with something symbolic let's say... By eating vegetables instead of greasy food on Tuesday... Or walking instead of taking the bus... Be brave! 

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